Commission Information
General Information
This information is for basic commissions for personal usage only! I will draw original characters, fanart, people - you name it. I'm also happy to draw semi-nude or "lewd" works but I will not draw pornography or any gore, vore or other "ore's" that I should be worried about. I'm happy to draw kemonomimi ( human characters with animal traits ) but I am not very practiced at furries or more anthropomorphic characters // I am willing to try but those commissions will be on a case by case basis! I also will not draw any mechs or mecha as that's just not my jam.You are welcome to get a single character drawn or as many as you'd like just do note each character is charged full price depending on how much of that character is shown ( bust, half body, full body etc ). There is no discount for large group shots as it takes me just as much time to draw two characters in a single image as it would for me to draw two sperate images with a single character each. Thank you for your understanding!Please also note heavily detailed characters might cost extra due to the additional time required ♥
Restrictions and Conditions
1. All commissions requested via this form are for personal use and collection only! None of the artwork you receive may be used commercially in any shape or form. ( no putting my art on things and making profit with them )2. All payments will be made through use of "Paypal" invoices. Paypal is my preferred payment method but for those of you who do not have a Paypal account an invoice will be sent via Square3. If requesting fanart, I am absolved from any legal responsibility should you be found using the artwork commissioned for anything other than personal use ( you're also breaking another rule if you do this, for shame man, for shame )4. You are entitled to a refund prior to a sketch rough being approved. If you approve a sketch for completion, you may no longer request a refund for your commission regardless of cancellation.5. I can cancel a commission at any time and issue a refund for any reason
Current Availibility [ OPEN for commissions ]
Commissions are open but very limited and distributed on case by case basis.
Onwards to the commission types!
Emotes and Emoji's
For use on Twitch, Discord, and other social media websites that allow use of custom emotes!Several sizes and options are available based on your needs!For animated emotes please note that an additional fee of 5 will be added per required frame of artwork (( most animated emotes only need 3-5 frames of art ))[ 120 x 120 Non-Pixel Art ] 45 USD per emote ( BUNDLE: 400 for 10 || 700 for 20 )
[ 120 x 120 Pixel Art ] 45 USD per emote ( BUNDLE: 400 for 10 || 700 for 20 )
[ 32 x 32 Pixel Art ] 20 USD per emote
[ Custom Size ] REQUEST QUOTE
300DPI and a minimum of 600px tall and 600 px wide.
Traditional ( watercolor ): 7 x 10 inches on hot press Arches paper[ Detailed Color ] 150 USD
[ Flat Color ] 100 USD
300DPI and a minimum of 800px tall and 800 px wide.
Traditional ( watercolor ): 7 x 7 inches on hot press Arches paper[ semi-Flat Color ] 80 USD
Hips Up/Half Body
300DPI and a minimum of 1200px tall and 1000 px wide.
Traditional ( watercolor ): 7 x 10 inches on hot press Arches paper[ Detailed Color w/ detailed background ] Request Quote
[ Detailed Color ] 400 USD
[ Flat Color ] 350 USD

Full Body
300DPI and a minimum of 1500px tall and 1200 px wide.
Traditional ( watercolor ): 7 x 10 inches on hot press Arches paper[ Detailed Color w/ detailed background ] Request Quote
[ Detailed Color ] 500 USD
[ Flat Color ] 450 USD
Email Inquiry
Live2d Commission Information
General Information
I prefer to work with people more personally with these commissions as they require quite a bit more money and take more time to finish so I am far more willing to work with someone willing to work with me. I respond to all emails so please don't be shy! Pricing in USD
These commissions are specially tailored to work for vtubers but are not limited to vtuber use!
The models can also be used as greetings on webpages or animated backgrounds on pc or smart phones.
These are considered to be commercial work and are priced accordingly. Commercial means you hope to make money off of my work. Whether or not you do make money is not my responsibility. I will promise professional level work and a higher standard than what is currently offered. My focus is on a more realistic feeling model with superior tracking and customization!
The artwork is the most expensive part unless you require crazy complex rigging. Artwork can take up to a month or two alone while rigging and be done in a week or two.
Both models and rigging can be requested separately! Just note rigging someone else's model will cost more as each person sets up artwork differently and this takes more time to rig!* I only setup models for VtuberStudio. In my opinion, it is the best and only software to use for streaming and vtubing. The files provided are compatible with all facial tracking software, but if you plan to use a program other than Vtubestudio you will need to setup your model on your on and I will not provide technical support. I'm also not sponsored by Vtuberstudio I just think it's great lol *
What is included with every commission?
Complete Artwork/Model ( one stop place to shop for model and rigging! )
Very detailed Facial expression tracking
Vbridger Lip Sync (iphone tracking only)
Eye Tracking
145 degrees of facial motion ( looking up, down, left, and right )
30 degrees of body tracking ( body turns as you turn! a point!! lol )
45 degrees of lean ( so your model follows you as you lean left or right )
Ear waggles ( for animal or elf ears only, or on request for boring normal human ears )
Hair Physics ( guaranteed overly luscious locks worthy of a shampoo commercial )
Clothing/Jewelry Physics ( both x and y axis )
Boobie Jiggles ( as much as boing you want or don't want, boobless things too if that tickles your fancy )
Base hotkey expressions: crying, angry, shocked, confused, blushing (( everything you'd need for streaming ))
Full support up to four months after the commission to help you get everything working smoothly! (( if you need more than a month I'll obviously still help but... hopefully....... it won't take that long....... ))
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the average wait time?
This varies a lot but I do try to keep this page up to date!2. What is the average turn around time?
Two to three months for art and rigging and around a month for rigging only. Please note rigging only commissions will cost more to rig then me rigging my own artwork.3. Do you offer payment plans?
I do! You're free to pay for artwork and then pay for rigging at a later date, or if you need additional accommodations I'm happy to work together to find a middle ground that works for both of us!3. How are payments processed?
I send out an invoice via paypal once your turn on the wait list is up and I've confirmed via email that you still want the commission! Simply click and pay at your leisure :34. What's the best way to contact you?
Through email at allexiskristedja@gmail.com5. Can you do multiple characters in a single model?
No unless you bribe me with a lot of money. Then I'll make you anything you want frankly lol.6. Do you require a deposit in advance?
I do, but this is only if you want to confirm a slot and you don't want to leave it to chance. The price of the deposit is low at 50 USD - it is not refundable but the 50 will be applied towards your commission price, so as long as you don't cancel you won't have wasted 50 USD. Many people are looking to have a model made and I only have so much time so the deposit it to confirm commitment.
These are not cheap as they are not easy to make and I try to provide the best quality possible. The artwork takes over a week to make as every little thing that moves needs to be drawn separately. Every bead, every button... every string on the button.
This allows for more natural looking movement and allows me to make 2D look 3D. Also makes future modification simple and affordable! ( like say you wanted an alternate outfit down the line, that would be really easy if the base is done correctly! )Rigging also takes several weeks as every little movement needs to be plotted and accounted for. For instance, a simple eye blink requires 5 parameters, 30 different layers, and over 100 different key frames.Be prepared to spend at least 4000 USD on a rigged model! Even the simplest models take me a month of work for art and rigging therefore you will be charged accordingly.I can and do offer payment plans for those wishing for more completed models/rigs but don't feel comfortable/are unable to pay the full price upfront.
Optional Hardware you will need: Iphone X or higherI will only provide technical support for Vtubestudio and Vbridger. If you plan on using any other facial tracking software you will have to setup your model on your own as I am unfamiliar with anything else!
Live2d Commission Pricing
Noteable Vtubers I've worked with and Example Work
Vtuber | Twitch/Youtube | Type of Com |
Capriicant | | Rig Only |
Astralnyx | | Art/Rig |
Zuan | | Art/Rig |
Quan2three | | Art/Rig |
Dj Luna K | | Art/Rig |
Character Design Pricing
If you do not have a reference sheet or a Vtuber design this pricing will apply to you. A custom design is not included in the pricing for a vtuber model and is a separate commission. These designs will be priced commercially as they are considered to be brand building and are priced accordingly. Do note that unless otherwise specified and paid for, I as the artist will retain the intellectual property rights on all designs provided and I am allowing you to use my work to represent yourself and use for monetization unless otherwise stated.Please note that for legal purposes if you plan on making any merchandise using my design, be it my art or another artists work, you must consult me first to work out a distribution agreement. This is to protect my own rights but do not worry too much as I am generally happy to agree with almost everything without issue.You are by no means allowed to alter or manipulate the designs I've made for you in anyway, shape, or form without consulting me first. You are free to stop using my design at any time in which case the design will go forever unused and neither you nor I will have the ability to resell any character made via my character design commissions. That character is for you and you alone unless otherwise specified at the start of work.
Now that that's out of the way! My pricing for these will vary drastically but as a base line all design commissions will start around 500 but can go up to a maximum of 2000 for really really complicated designs. Safely budget ~900, or save some money and design your own!What is included in all design commissions:
A very rough, but clear, reference sheet
Front and back turn around
Notes and illustrations about specific/tiny details that are otherwise hard to see

Model Artwork Pricing
This is a VERY rough base line estimate and does not represent the final price! Please keep this in mind when budgeting.I no longer offer half body commissions as they are not worth the time or money. I will rig half body models if you already have model art completed but please note it will still be at full body pricing!
Flat Color ( starts at 1500 USD )
Detailed Color ( starts at 2500 USD )
Price will increase based on design complexity!
Potential Additional Costs
Here is a quick list of thigns that might increase the pricing of your model. Please note these will not apply to teh majority of requests but are important to keep in mind when deciding the type of model you'd like!
Asymmetrical models or unusual poses ( If you want a model that isn't standing straight basically! )
Additional arms or poses ( ex: holding/drinking boba tea, holding a pet, waving...etc )
Multiple outfits
Multiple Hair Styles
Extremely detailed clothing ( a million zippers and buttons will increase the cost believe it or not )
Metallic or reflective surfaces ( I'm extra and like to make these shine realistically, don't judge me )
Transparent or glittery fabrics
Additional props or items
Animations or very elaborate expressions that require additional artwork

live2D Rig Pricing
This is a VERY rough base line estimate and does not represent the final price! Please keep this in mind when budgeting.I no longer offer half body commissions as they are not worth the time or money. I will rig half body models if you already have model art completed but please note it will still be at full body pricing!
Bundled model + basic rigging starts at 1500
Rigging only commissions begin at 2000 ( takes longer to rig someone else's work as everyone sets up model art differently so the price is reflective of that! )
Prices above are for Full Body Vtuber models, if you need something else rigged a unique quote will be offered so please feel free to contact me with your inquiry!
Potential Additional Costs
Here is a quick list of thigns that might increase the pricing of your model. Please note these will not apply to teh majority of requests but are important to keep in mind when deciding the type of model you'd like!
Vbridger setup ( this is included in my base pricing estimates but removal can lower the price)
Multiple outfits ( depending on complexity this can be the highest additional rigging cost )
Asymmetrical models or unusual poses ( If you want a model that isn't standing straight basically! )
Additional arms or poses ( ex: holding/drinking boba tea, holding a pet, waving...etc )
Multiple Hair Styles
Extremely detailed clothing or armor
Lights or glowing effects
Complicated shapes or a 3D appearance ( ex: a square lanturn swaying and turning )
Metallic or reflective surfaces ( I'm extra and like to make these shine realistically, don't judge me )
Additional props or items
Animations or very elaborate expressions
Things you can request that will not incur additional costs!
Toggles! ( turn on and off as many things as you'd like )
Expression hotkeys ( anything and everything so long as it doesn't require additional artwork )
Joke warps ( beeg head mode activate )
Live2d Wait List
Now that you've read through all that, if you are interested in commission me please fill out this form! Please note availability is limited based on slots and is not first come first serve.I keep an up to date calendar of all my projects HEREThank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you soon ♥
Terms of Service
General Terms and Conditions
By commissioning me you automatically agree to all of the following conditions unless otherwise specified.
Do not request a commission if you are not comfortable with my terms of service.
My work will not be used to train AI or be sold as an NFT/Crypto/Anything related to block chain.
I do not accept payment via crypto or wire transfer.
Payments will be sent via paypal or square invoice.
The commissioner is entitled to a full refund for any non Live2D services prior to the sketch phase of the commission being approved. Once approval of a sketch has been given, no refund may be granted unless granted by Whispwill for any reason she deems necessary.
For Live2D commissions a reservation fee will be charged in advance and may not be refunded for any reason. Should the client cancel a Live2D/Vtuber commission, the client will be charged for the amount of work completed and refunded the rest.
The Live2D reservation fee will apply to the final commission total.
Questions may be sent via my webform below or via email ""
Whispwill is not responsible for any copyright issues or disputes. The materials for the commission are provided in good faith that the commissioner is the owner or owns the rights to use said material.
The commissioner can not modify or redistribute any commissioned work without discussing it with Whispwill prior.
The commissioner is not entitled to any raw or editable files unless requested or discussed with Whispwill. These include raw .psd or .clip files that include un merged layers or sketches but may vary per commission
The commissioner can and will not claim any work done by Whispwill as their own for any reason.
Posting of commissioned work on social media, use of work as an avatar or identifier, decoration of a webpage, etc. is allowed so long as credit is given back to Whispwill.
NDa's and Publishing
A Non-Disclosure agreement is not assumed and must be requested and discussed prior to any commission. This is due to the fact that Whispwill may stream live progress of your commissioned work. However, Whispwill will still request permission from the commissioner before sharing works in progress or finished works to social media.
Whispwill will not tag the commissioner's social media when sharing works unless requested and will instead use a previously discussed "screen name" when sharing works. If the commissioner wishes to gain exposure through the sharing of works in progress or finished works - the commissioner must discuss it with Whispwill prior to the commission. (( I'm happy to share your socials, don't be a afraid to ask just know I won't do it automatically // ))
Commercial Use and Licensing
All commissions are presumed for personal usage unless otherwise stated by the commissioner prior to the commission.
A personal commission is for personal enjoyment while a commercial commission is created with the assumption that money will be made off of the work of Whispwill via digital or physical sales of merchandise.
Commissioners may not sell or profit directly, in anyway shape or form, from the works created by Whispwill unless an agreement has been made prior. Usage of my work in an environment, such as a livestream, where Whispwill's work is present and money is being generated is allowed so long as Whispwill's work is not being directly distributed for said money. (( TLDR - streaming with a model I made and making money is 100% acceptable, but selling prints of said model or selling screenshots... etc... is not allowed unless previously agreed upon ))
Commercial commissions will be subjected to a minimum of a 50% price increase per commission in addition to a licensing and or a royalties agreement.
For any commercial licenses, please contact me at "" to discuss it prior to a commission agreement ♥